Redhare Apple Shrine
I am an Apple fanboy. I first experienced Mac in 1994 when I worked for Sound Source Interactive. My work computer was a Mac IIci, which I still think was one of the best computers ever made. That is the machine I learned how to build websites on and started on Photoshop 2.5. Prior to 1994, I had an Atari 1040ste which I used to sequence on Cubase. Although the Mac IIci set the hook in me pretty deep, there was no way I afford a $6000 Mac. So after I left Sound Source, I built a 386 clone, and for the next 13 years, I was reluctantly a PC guy. With the exception of a few laptops, I built all of my own computers from 1997 to 2009. I has a Mac G3 at Disney and a couple iMacs between 1999 and 2001, but it would a decade until I completely made the switch. In 2010, my father passed and I was suddenly in the position to afford to switch to Mac. It was a maxed-out Mac Pro ("cheese grater") along with 2 23" displays, plus I also bought a Macbook Pro. I have not looked back. I upgraded in 2013 to another Mac Pro ("trash can,") and 3 27" displays.
Below, you will find my collections of all things Apple!